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Romeo #4735

Age: 3 yrs

Gender: male

Status: Adopted


  • Loving & wants to be with his family all the time
  • Affectionate, sweet & full of joy
  • Needs ongoing meds
  • Loves other dogs (cats not so much)
  • An easy boy who will love his family

Romeo, Romeo…wherefore art thou Romeo? Don’t worry, you’ll never have to call me twice because I always come when I’m called. Yes, my name is Romeo and I’m 3 years old. When I first came to Golden Rescue, I was pretty dirty, overweight, and had a big growth on my ear that was badly infected. My amazing foster family took to me to the vet where I got all fixed up, took me to the groomer where I became handsome, and also put me on a diet. I’m a new boy. I’ve already lost 5 pounds…only 5 more to go. The doc says I’m a healthy boy now but will need ongoing meds for ear infections. Unfortunately, they cost 130 bones a month and we don’t know for how long ~ I could eventually half them or stop them completely but it’s possible I may have to take them all my life. YIKES ~ I’m so sorry about that. I can pay you back with kisses, if that helps! Now that my ear is healed, I am such a happy boy and my life is full of joy. I love every human I meet, including kids. I love other dogs as well but cats are a no-go. I am well-trained in your human ways and I know ‘come’, ‘stay’, ‘lay down’, and ‘sit’. I hardly ever bark. In fact, my family wonders if I actually can bark because they’ve never heard my voice. Yes, I can but I’ve never seen the point. I love car rides and I love life in general. Loud noises don’t bother me. You can leave me alone if you have to go out without me and, except for my one sensitive ear, you can touch me anywhere. My foster mom describes me as “a loving boy who just wants to be around his friends and family”. That’s true ~ I always want to be able to see my family when I’m out and about. Family is everything to me. Oh yes, food too I guess (hee-hee).

Romeo is currently in the Vancouver, BC area.  If you would like more information about Romeo please call our hot-line toll-free at 1-866-712-8444 or email and one of our volunteers will be happy to return your call.

When submitting an application, please be sure to check your JUNK or SPAM folders for a response email.

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