$10 Tuesday Webinar – Healthy Plant-Based Snacks – CANCELLED

Our next $10 Tuesday Webinar is coming up on Tuesday, September 29th at 7pm.
Are you registered? Here’s how
Step 1: Email events@goldenrescue.ca to register.
Step 2: Etransfer $10 to events@goldenrescue.ca with COOKING CLASS in the message box
You must complete both steps in order to be registered! When you sign up, you’ll receive an email with the recipes and ingredient list so you can cook along with the class.
Learn how to make two delicious, healthy, easy plant-based snacks with Kim, Plant-Based Nutrition and Health Coach from Picky Diet. Together we’ll make savoury Crispy Roasted Chickpeas which are a perfect afternoon snack – healthier than chips but with that same crunch and full of plant-based protein. We’ll also make Berry Seed Breakfast cookies which give you all the nutrition of a bowl of oatmeal in a simple, healthy “cookie”. These are great when you don’t have time to make breakfast or as a healthy mid-morning snack to give you the energy you need to get through your busy morning.
Kim will also share nutrition and healthy kitchen tips. Grab the kids and have them help!
Email: kim@pickydiet.com
Insta: @pickydietwellness https://www.instagram.com/pickydietwellness/