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Canada’s Dog Ban: Click here to find out how you can help.

Tuesday October 27, 2020

Event Time: 7:30 PM

Ever wondered what it takes for you and your Golden to become a dog therapy team? Join us Tuesday, October 27 at 7:30 pm to find out! 

The presentation will outline the therapy dog program in Ontario, when and why it was established, and what St. John Ambulance looks for in volunteer teams, both human and canine.  It will look at the types of facilities visited, from hospitals, long term care homes and seniors’ residences, to specific programs in schools for dogs certified as “child friendly”.

The presentation will focus on the process to become a therapy dog team:  an Orientation session; an interview with both the handler and the dog; an evaluation session with other teams, where the dog is exposed to a range of scenarios which will be experienced in visiting as a therapy dog; and the mentoring process.


Sarah Holland – Sarah Holland retired from a career in arts administration in Toronto and joined the St. John Ambulance therapy dog program in Cobourg 10 years ago with her Golden Retriever, Corduroy.  They have visited a number of different facilities on a weekly basis during that time, including the local hospital, and several area schools. Sarah has been part of the intake process for the Northumberland branch for some time, conducting the Orientation sessions and presentations to the wider local community on the therapy dog program.   

Sarah and her husband Richard have been volunteers with Golden Rescue for five years, and have fostered six times, an experience they have found very rewarding.  Corduroy was always welcoming and a great help in the process of fostering of those lovely goldens.  Fondly remembered are Belle, Wally, Rusty, Niko, Katy and the little puppy Leo, who they fostered  in 2019.

Marsha Seens – Marsha has been a volunteer with St. John Ambulance since 1997.   She is lead on the Therapy Dog Recovery Working Group during Covid-19 and is the Volunteer Coordinator staff member for Durham Region/Northumberland.    She is also the acting Therapy Dog Unit Coordinator for the Durham Region and Northumberland areas.

How: Email to register, then e-transfer $10 to  *you must complete both steps to be fully registered.

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