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Saturday August 7, 2021

Event Time: 10:00 AM

Our August webinar is being presented at a special date and time, to correspond with the kick-off of our Memories in Motion fundraising event.

Just like us, motion creates wear and tear on our dogs’ bodies. In this webinar you’ll learn how Canine Conditioning can help your dog develop a healthier lifestyle through easy at-home exercises.

Our presenter for this session is Tabi Ure of Level UP Pet Services. Tabi holds a Certified Trick Dog Instructor designation through Do More with Your Dog, and is also an instructor with Who’s Walking Who Dog Training Centres.

Tabi’s interest in canine training began early with her first dog, a chocolate Lab named Echo. Tabi and Echo competed in various disciplines such as agility, Rally, Disc and flyball and also did volunteer therapy work. When Echo suffered a back injury, Tabi began researching and pursuing TTouch and canine conditioning. Conditioning exercises helped Echo recover, and he was able to continue his therapy work and low-impact sports. Tabi’s current pup, Jericho, is a spicy little chihuahua mix who loves learning and showing off new tricks.

Join us on Saturday, August 7 at 10:00 A.M. (EST) for this informative session.


STEP 1: Register by emailing so we have your name and contact email to send you the link to the webinar recording. Please note the webinar code CONDITION in the subject line. **Registration for this webinar is separate from the Memories in Motion registration.**

STEP 2: As soon as you have completed Step 1, e-transfer $10 to . Please enter the word CONDITION in the message area of your payment. **You must complete both steps to be registered.**

NEW: don’t have e-transfer and want to pay by credit card over the phone? Just e-mail and let us know (please include your phone number in the e-mail).

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