Canine Dental Webinar

Join us for as we welcome Dr. Cherie Knox from Kawartha Animal Hospital as she presents a short webinar on Canine Dental Health.
She will cover such topics as:
Why does my dog need dental checkups?
What does good oral health mean?
What happens to a tooth when it gets broken, cracked or fractured?
My dog has bad breath? Why?
How do I know when my dog has a problem with their teeth?
My dog loves to chew. What are safe chews to give and what shouldn’t I give him.
Dr. Knox graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 2001. Since then, she has practiced mixed animal medicine/surgery, international veterinary public health, emergency/critical care, and now, exclusively small animal medicine/surgery. She has a strong interest in dentistry and oral surgery, is a founding member of the International Veterinary Dentistry Institute and is currently training to become a Certified Veterinary Dental Practitioner. When not at the clinic, Dr. Knox enjoys spending her time with her husband, four children, dog (Coconut) and 2 cats (Sunshine and Midnight).
To register:
HOW: STEP 1: Register by emailing so we have your name and contact email to send you the link to the group Zoom meeting to participate. Please note DENTAL in the email subject line.
STEP 2: Etransfer $10 to: Please note DENTAL in the message payment.
*You must complete both steps in order to be registered*