#0275 Kramer

Gender: male
During the 4 years Kramer #275 has been in our family, it has been a highly successful and wonderful time. He came with a couple minor issues about his collar and crates, but some formal training. Now at 8 years old, he’s a little heavier and fully moved in! He loves my students who come to the house AND even the Postwoman! He is a therapy dog and makes weekly visits. Walking off-leash he has an extensive vocabulary: wait, this side, this way, turn, leave it, stop (in your tracks), take-it(stick)-and-come, etc. He loves to run with his friends without reservation and to roll in the snow, plowing his nose into the deep snow. Meeting new friends, 2 legged or 4, he turns to me, “Mommy, what do I do?” I say, “Say hello nicely” and off he trots wagging his tail even if the other dog shows signs of fear or aggression. He’s even friendly with our very elderly Maine Coon cat, not assertive with Felix over treats. Felix for his part says, “If eating my breakfast means walk through some dog legs, okay!” Kramer’s only “downfall” is that he can’t understand that not everyone will love him. He will go to anyone who calls him and anyone who potentially has a pocketful of treats gets “the look”! He is a treasure and I thank the rescue league for matching us together!