#0424 Jake

Gender: male
Jake is a handsome fellow who was adopted by a wonderful couple who take him and his new sister to the office everyday. When he isn’t at work, he is playing at his city home or enjoying life at the cottage. He never far from his new family and is deeply attached to them. It’s definately a case of mutual adoration and love.
Update: Jake is doing fabulously well. He’s such a happy boy who loves the snow and with his strong long legs bounds through it like a deer. Although he still accompanies us to work every day (with his older sister Treble), his favourite place is the cottage. He’s an Olympic swimmer (surely because of his big paws) and loves to fish. He can stand on the dock or in the water for hours waiting for fish to swim by and then he tries to catch one. Never successful but he keeps trying anyway. We’ve thought about sending a video of him to America’s Funniest Videos because he climbs a perfectly vertical swim ladder at the end of the dock ~ an amazing feat.