#0881 Noelle
Gender: female
Just after Christmas 2007, Noelle joined our family and what a wonderful present to all concerned. We have a clever, gentle and loving new member of the family; Lucy has a new sister; and Noelle has a new forever home where she can learn to play, be a doggie, and grow old gracefully.
Thanks to our friends at Golden Rescue, this beautiful animal was saved after a period of wandering, basic survival and malnourishment. She, of course, had no identification and very little is known about her early life. We think her job – before she was discarded – was creating puppies. At her rescue, she was placed (as La Dama – the Lady) in a loving foster home in Niagara, and finally started the path to a normal life.
Noelle now lives near Georgian Bay, on 12 acres of hills and dales, creeks and pond. She’s got lots of snow in winter, and lots of frogs, deer, groundhogs and other interesting things in summer. She and Lucy are new best friends – once they had the discussion about whose food bowl was whose! She has gained weight and strength and playfulness, although she does seem to have more skills in the “lying down” department than in the running department.