#1001 Darby

Gender: male
Darby is 14 months old today – for the first 5 months of his life he lived in a puppy mill in Quebec. Fortunately he was rescued and taken to a loving, foster home where he was well loved and looked after as he recovered from infections, parasites and anxiety. When I was told that my perfect golden match was a puppy I was a bit overwhelmed as I have not had a puppy in almost 30 years. The first couple of months were a series of one step forward and two steps back but with strong support from the Golden Rescue we somehow muddled through. That was over 6 months ago and now Darby is a happy, healthy and well loved member of this family. He loves his walks, toys, yard, playtimes and most of all any ditch or mud puddle that he can find. The dirtier he is, the better he likes it. He still suffers from a bit of car anxiety but slowly that too is diminishing. He is a wonderful companion and everyday he lives life to the fullest. Small in stature and big at heart, he is a sensational boy – thanks again for a perfect match!