#1004 Toffee

Gender: male
After our old girl Bailey passed over the Rainbow Bridge in May, both Darby (#906) and us were inconsolable. Even though they had only been together for a short time, Darby was quite attached to Bailey. After a month of trying to fill the void she left, we decided Darby needed a new friend. In our application went and lo and behold came a call for our new addition Toffee. When we went for our first visit, we sat on the couch and he promptly proceeded to jump on the couch and sprawl completely across Peter and I. It was love at first sight for both of us. When we brought him home, Darby & Poco (our cat) felt the same way too. The joy in Darby was obvious, he had a new brother and we have a new love dog – we have nicknamed him “Toffee the Love Dog”. I don’t think any of us could love him more. Once again thank you Golden Rescue for another loving wonderful boy.