#1414 Lady

Gender: female
Howdy folks! I had my first birthday in my forever home. My gifts were hugs and kisses, an extra long walk, hugs and kisses, a new bone, hugs and kisses, lean beef in my meal, and more hugs and kisses. And just in case there have been any doubts, I am staying put! My human parents adore me, and in fact, that adoration is reciprocated. I have trained them very well ~ they come when I call, pat me when I snuggle, take me for walks when I bring them the leash, take me for car rides, and take me for visits to other people and places. I still don’t like small people or large dogs. I walk off-leash very well but only in safe places and I do what is asked of me. You may remember that I don’t like to be left alone for any period of time, but you might be surprised how much better I am handling this (although I still cry with excitement when my family returns). I’m also living with a big Persian cat. He was a rescue too. He and I play once in a while and sleep at each other’s side but to be honest, we just tolerate each other. It seems to please the family when we hang out together…”Ah! Isn’t that cute”… so from time to time, we indulge them. I wanted to say thanks to all those who rescued me and took care of me before finding my forever family. I’m really happy here and my family is happy I’m here! We are all grateful for your efforts.
Love, Lady (& Dr. Moe Productions)