#1561 Jasper

Gender: male
We celebrated Jasper’s adoption. As Jasper’s foster family, it was certainly a Golden Rescue team effort and we appreciate everyone’s help and support as we tried to support Jasper in the best way that we could ~ lots of fun, security, structure, walks, understanding, love, cuddles, clean-ups at 3:30 a.m. (when needed), and car and van drives…and he’s a significantly different dog from the one we picked up a couple of weeks ago! He really has a wonderful new life with his forever family (each family member is lovely, gentle, and kind). In short order Jasper looked as if he had been a part of their lives forever. What a lucky boy and what a lucky family! Lucky for us too that he now lives only four doors over on our court so he and our Ruby will continue to be great play-friends and we’ll get to enjoy his company throughout his lifetime.
~ Brenda, Michael & Ruby