#1646 Jack

Gender: male
Jack is doing great! He is a complete goofball and keeps us very entertained. His favourite things to do are chew sticks, the bigger the better, swim and sleep on the bed between my husband and I. He is one of the few dogs I have seen that actually tries to swim down and go underwater. He is a very loving boy and wants to be right by your side not matter what you are doing. He has even tried getting in the shower with me! Jack and his sister Lily, a black lab mix, love going for walks and chase the chipmunks, unfortunately this led to run ins with 2 porcupines! After a trip to the vets both dogs are fine, but gave us a good scare! One of my favourite Jack stories happened shortly after we got him. It was Christmas and we were at my in laws for a prime rib dinner. They always make lots and the extras were on the kitchen counter. After dinner we went to clean up and the other half of the prime rib was missing with no trace of being touched. After a bit of search I felt Jack’s very hard stomach. It was a good laugh and still comes up at family get togethers.
~ Amanda & Jeff