#1709 Marley

Gender: male
Hi Marley #1709 here, ready and waiting for you to play Play PLAY with me! I am one happy boy in my fur-ever home. I have the perfect life – my two older brothers are sports fanatics which is PERFECT for me, I always have someone willing to join my team whether it’s hockey, soccer, baseball, tennis or football – if it has something to do with a ball, its GAME ON! I live a pretty happy life. Some of my favourite things to do are run along side my brothers bikes and then run down the slide at the park, cuddle with my mommy and brothers while watching movies and I love sleepovers at my Auntie’s house or Papa’s house, then I get to play with my Golden Retriever fur-cousins. I especially love spending time at the cottage. My family take me on adventures in the boat, swim with me all day long and walk me at least five times a day. I don’t understand why they go to bed so early; but, once I see them brush their teeth, I snuggle on my warm cozy dog bed (or sometimes I hide in my mommy’s blankets and lie very still, hoping nobody sees me – shhhhh). My new mom is the best. I love her so much. I never let her out of my sight. I follow her everywhere and if there is a chance to sit behind her, get her to the throw the ball for me or squeeze in a few extra soft cuddles, I take it! For some reason, she tells me I am just like having a third child? I have no idea why – perhaps it’s because I never leave her side and I try to go everywhere with her – even that place where humans “brush their teeth” (wink wink). I love car rides and I am always up for a new adventure with a smile and a wag of my tail. My family call me “Mars Bar,” because I am as sweet as chocolate! When I first came to my fur-ever home, I was a very dominant dog and terrified of men. Thank goodness my Papa loves me, because he has been very patient as I work through this terrible fear of men with the support of my auntie (a trainer) and my fur-ever family. I think it helps that my brothers are so awesome and are “little men” to help me realize that boys are a-ok! I have a few silly quirks – but – don’t we all? I love to be cuddled like a baby. If you give me the command, I will jump into your arms and sit on your hip just like a toddler. I will stay there for as LONG as I can. I love being carried around – I will even straddle my legs around your hips or waist just like a real child does. I am pretty sure I am half human. I have many animated faces that are irresistible (it’s all part of my cuteness factor that steels your heart!) When you talk to me, I will listen with amazing attention. I will caulk my head from side to side and show that I am very interested in your story. It’s one of my quirky traits I was telling you about! It’s great being Gold and as sweet as chocolate, but its even better being loved by my amazing family!