#1828 Jenny ~ the story continues

Gender: female
Eleven years ago, Jenny #1828 arrived in our home for foster care. It quickly became apparent that she was to be a foster failure and joined our Golden family with two senior Golden boys, Murphy and Bentley #1664. The boys were quite happy that they had a mother hen to watch over them. Although Jenny was much smaller than either of them, she let them know in no uncertain terms that she would get her share of stuffies and that wrestling was not exclusive to just boys!
When we read last month’s Guardian article about the loss of a pet, we were painfully reminded about how loss affects not only humans, but the remaining pets in the home. We had Jenny for just two years when we lost both of her fur brothers within three weeks of each other. Our happy, carefree girl became withdrawn and lethargic. Yes, animals grieve too. We had other fosters come through our home, but it was not until Snowy #2170 arrived (another foster failure) that Jenny returned to life and was able to be the mother hen once again. A few years later, Hunter #2897 showed up for foster care, and you guessed it, never left. Jenny is now 16 years old ~ she just celebrated her birthday. She is totally deaf, moves a little slower, snores a lot louder, and while she does not jump in and wrestle as much, she still supervises Snowy and Hunter to make sure they are playing nicely. Always the mother hen!
Cheryl-Anne & John (Foster Failure Parents Extraordinaire)
If you are interested in adopting one of the Goldens posted on our website or any of the other Goldens that become available for adoption in the future please click here to fill out the adoption application.