#2185 Toby

Gender: male
Toby is our seven-year-old miracle boy. His early life was less than perfect leaving him with some confidence issues. This was our first older dog and, as sure as my family was when the call came to adopt Toby, I was a little uncertain. It didn’t take long, however, for Toby to win my heart and when I met him at his amazing foster family’s home, I could see how much he was loved. I immediately fell in love. The first few orientation days were a learning experience but Toby settled in quickly and friends and family who came to visit loved him as well and dubbed him with every nickname in the book ~ Toby Bryant, Toblerone, Tobi Wan Kenobi, Tobinator…and boy did he love the attention. Then things changed. Toby’s past caught up with him and he started to steal food and drink gallons of water and chewed ice as if he was afraid he would never be able to eat or drink again. It was difficult to watch. We all worked hard, especially Toby, to rid him of his gremlins and we had training sessions, lots of hugs, lots of ice from the magic fridge door, two water bowls filled all the time, lots of swims and leash training and soon things improved. It melted my heart. All was well until just before Christmas, Toby became disoriented, couldn’t manage the stairs, wouldn’t eat, and just stared at the wall. We rushed him to our vet and on Christmas Day, after many tests, we discovered it was a neurological disorder likely caused by a focal seizure, but his blood work for a seven-year-old was sterling. Soon after, Toby bounced back and has been amazing ever since. We have learned so much about life and rescue having this wonderful, loving, complicated boy in our home and our journey together has been a true blessed experience.
~ Trish