#2307 Topanga

Gender: female
Hi! My name is Topanga although I arrived here as Athena. I came all the way to my new home from Istanbul. Topanga was a name of a girl on a TV show that my family liked so they really wanted me to have it too! My mom and dad say it suits me because I am really goofy. It was a really long flight to Canada. My mom, dad, and sister were waiting for me at the airport and I got to ride in their car to my new home. I live here now with my new family where I have two brothers, a sister, and a cat brother. Bates, the cat, was kind of scared of me at first but now he knows I won’t hurt him and we are becoming best friends. I chewed up a few things I shouldn’t have when I got here but I was kind of anxious when they left me alone for a while. My mom and dad are always telling me what a good girl I am, so I guess they weren’t too mad. My parents take me for long walks and I get to see lots of wildlife, like squirrels, geese, and deer (boy, they are big!). I am walking really well on my leash. I love to run, jump and play around in my backyard with balls and there are so many sticks! I have learned to sit, stay, down, off, and drop it (that one they use when I take the cat toys). I am always happy and greet visitors with a wagging tail. I like to meet new dogs when I go for walks. Everyone has been really nice to me here in Canada, which is now my home country. I am so happy that Golden Rescue got me on that plane!