#2347 Shelby

Gender: female
Thanks for asking me how I’m doing. Jane is writing this while I dictate because I’m still not reliable on the keyboard. I just rest my face across it and I never know what I’m going to write. Jane and Hilary are really nice to me. They give me different food and I am very happy about that. It is healthy and wheat free. Sometimes I sleep with them on the floor beside their bed and sometimes I sleep in my own bed in the living room. I like having choices and I like that they leave it up to me. At their condo in the city, I have met a lot of people and dogs. Everyone seems to like me and people just arrive at the door with presents for me. One nice lady down the hall brought me people crackers (haha). I liked the joke because I’ve seen people eat animal crackers. There is a policeman, a postman, and a fireman to choose from. Another friend in the building brought me a blue stuffed elephant named Ellie and I really love her. She squeaks when I pick her up and toss her around. I also have a stuffed hedgehog that squeaks too. Jane and Hilary look after several other dogs in the building sometimes. At first, I was jealous because I thought they were all mine, but now I see that they just have lots of love for my species and I know I am their special one because the others leave, but I always stay. They took me to church on Sunday. I didn’t really know what it was all about, but the minister introduced me to everyone and then there was a point in the service when people exchanged a sign of peace. They were going around shaking each others’ hands so I lifted a paw whenever anyone came to me. They all seemed to think that was so clever. Boy, people are easy to please! And guess what? I have a cottage on a lake ~ I am so lucky. I get to go in the water and chase sticks and run off-leash up and down hills (not to boast or anything, but wow am I ever fast!). There are other dogs up there to play with too including two other Goldens named Duncan and Riley. And it seems I have aunts and uncles and cousins I never knew I had. I have two Golden cousins in Bracebridge which is near our cottage. One is Mina and she’s just one and the other is more mature like me. She is Georgia and she is six. Everyone in Bracebridge seemed to love me too. I have a secret! Uncle Jim and Auntie Pat, my fosters, told Jane and Hilary that I never get up on furniture. I heard them say that. Well, just for fun and because they said I don’t, I did! They have such a nice leather couch and it is cool and comfy ~ I just had to try it out. I didn’t get in trouble and Jane and Hilary just laughed at me. I think I might be able to get away with quite a lot. But then again, I really am a sweet girl and I like to please people, so I’ll probably behave pretty well (most of the time). I had a bladder infection, but they’ve been giving me a little piece of cheese after dinner each night and that seems to have worked wonders. I am a lot better. I wonder what’s in the cheese. So I just want you to know that I am really happy and I like my new home(s) a lot. I know I am a lucky girl. Jane and Hilary say they are lucky girls too. Isn’t that a nice coincidence?
Love, Shelby #2347