#2351 Talih
Second Chance Story
Talih #2351
Gender: female
Status: adopted
Talih is an amazing Istanbul Golden. Her name means luck, fortune, fate or Karma in Turkish ~ a very apt name indeed for a very sweet lucky girl. As lucky as Talih is to have found GR and a new safe home in Canada, we are equally as lucky to have her in our family. Even our cats are beginning to think Talih is okay and that’s saying something. Our chickens on the other hand….not so much but they don’t usually get a vote around here anyway. Of course, having only had Talih for four weeks, she’s not off the leash yet but as she progresses, we’ll get an invisible fence and make the chickens invisible at the same time. As John Lennon said, “Instant Karma gonna get you” and Talih (Karma) has sure got us.
Liz & Bill