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Vixen #2542

Gender: female

Status: adopted

This sweet girl came from Istanbul and she was smelly, her skin was infected, and she was covered in fleas…a pretty sad sight. A bath, a vet visit, good meals, and a safe place to rest gave Vixen a good start on her journey back to health and happiness. Her new sibling sister, Bella, was unimpressed with this new Turkish interloper but day-by-day this started to change and now they are BFFs and their playful antics provide us with our nightly entertainment. Initially very fearful of certain actions and things like brooms, our brave little girl soon came around and realized she was safe and that no one would ever hurt her. Someone must have loved this girl at some point as she is well trained, so who knows what her story was and why she was abandoned. We’ll never know but we do know she is happy and full of gratitude and joy. Welcome to Canada Vixen ~ we love you!


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