#4297 Sonny

Gender: male
Hello all you wonderful Golden Rescue folks…my name is Sonny and I came from Cairo where my previous owner called me Simba. He had to go into the military and had to give me to a lovely woman who ran a shelter there. I really miss my old owner but I understand he couldn’t take me with him and everyone in Cairo and here in Canada have been so good to me. My new mom and dad, Brittany and Ryan, are fantastic and called me Sonny because their previous Golden, who recently crossed the rainbow bridge was called Cher. Get it? I don’t but I don’t care because I only care that my life is amazing and I couldn’t be happier. I love my mom but I particularly love my new dad and I follow him everywhere. I can sleep in. I get three or four walks a day, my parents love to cuddle with me, and I can even sleep on the bed right between them. I know you call this place Canada but I call it heaven.
If you are interested in adopting one of the Goldens posted on our website or any of the other Goldens that become available for adoption in the future please click here to fill out the adoption application.