Laurie Simon
Laurie has been a self-confessed animal lover from childhood ~ she always had a pet ~ dogs, cats, hamsters, fish or turtles. Laurie’s first Golden was Mandy, a sweet girl who lived until she was 14. It was Mandy in their life that made Laurie and her husband Lawry (yes, same name, different spelling) fall in love with the breed.
Their first introduction to GR was when they adopted their current Golden Spy #940 in 2008. Laurie retired from teaching in 2009 and started volunteering for GR on the placement team. Laurie did foster initially but found saying good-bye just too difficult so she threw herself into placements and to-date has found homes for more than 80 of our precious Goldens. Laurie was instrumental in developing an adopter’s guide (tips to ensuring successful adoptions), which is given to every GR adopter.
Lawry was introduced to helping out at shows and enjoyed talking about GR and showing off Spy. They both do SO much for GR ~ fundraising, events, home visits…you name it…they’re ready and willing! Laurie is an accomplished artist and has painted her whole life and has done many dog portraits. She also quilts, golfs, travels, cottages in the Muskokas, and spends as much ‘nana time’ with her grandchildren as possible. Laurie and Lawry are a busy retired couple but they always find time to help Golden Rescue in any way needed. We are grateful to you both…you’re truly GR angels!