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Golden Angels Airport Volunteers

Golden Rescue has rescued over 1,500 Goldens from overseas. This has been a monumental task that has involved a huge number of volunteers, including the placement team, the foster team, and those looking after our supporting vets and ongoing Golden care…not to mention our amazing international partners in Cairo and Istanbul. Perhaps the largest group, however, are those angels who...

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Categories: Volunteer Stories|Volunteers

Golden Angels Leona Wysminity & Darrell Rivney

Leona and Darrell are wonderful fosters~ a real dynamic duo. They have adopted many goldens from GR and have fostered even more. Sage #2472, Spirit #2704, Verda #3185, and King #4299 have all been very fortunate Goldens adopted and loved by Leona and Darrell. They have fostered many others and even King was initially fostered before they adopted him. They...

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Categories: Volunteer Stories|Volunteers

Golden Angels Mary & Paul Durnford

Mary and Paul are fantastic fosters. They started to foster after they lost their beloved Golden Harley. Their other Golden Rusty missed him so much as did Mary and Paul so fostering was the perfect way for them to fill the hole left by their lovely boy. Rusty certainly showed all the new fosters the ropes. This energetic couple are...

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Categories: Volunteer Stories|Volunteers

Golden Angels Lisa Moorhouse & Tom Smith

Lisa and Tom have shared their lives with Goldens for 30+ years and have been volunteering for GoldenRescuefor around 15 years. This dedicated couple have done so much for GR. They have fostered around 20 Goldens and have loved and nurtured them all. They just recently held two puppies for a few days to cover a pick-up time gap and...

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Categories: Volunteer Stories|Volunteers

Golden Angels Ricki Crothers

Ricki has been a treasured volunteer for over 15 years. We first met Ricki at the Bala Cranberry Festival many years ago when she visited our booth and offered to help, which she did the very next day. And she has been volunteering ever since. In fact, she has been the event coordinator for the Bala Cranberry Festival for several...

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Categories: Volunteer Stories|Volunteers

Golden Angels Alyssa Gagnier & David Elliot

Alyssa and David are quintessential Golden Angels as they do so much for Golden Rescue that it’s difficult to summarize in this short piece. With the help of their two Goldens, Stanley and Jack, they have fostered numerous Goldens, preparing them for their future journeys. Alyssa and David attribute their successful fostering to Stanley and Jack’s help as they welcome...

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Categories: Volunteer Stories|Volunteers

Golden Angels Marge Holman

Marge’s first Golden was Molson and he was a heartbreaker. He crossed the Rainbow Bridge at 14 years of age, which was a very tough time for Marge; however, Molson left her with a love for Goldens that has never waned. She believes that Goldens bring out the best in people. Her second Golden, Buffy, sadly passed at the age...

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Categories: Volunteer Stories|Volunteers

Golden Angels Kimberlee Ruzcki

Kimberlee has been an animal lover and particularly a Golden lover her whole life. In 2019, she joined the social media/communications team working on picnic communications. She now handles all special campaigns, including the 50-50 eblasts. She is absolutely amazing and the team loves working with her. Kimberlee says: “I love that I can do something to help sweet Goldens...

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Categories: Volunteer Stories|Volunteers

Golden Angels Nikki Scheidl

Nikki adored her first Golden, Charlee, and fell in love with this wonderful breed. Luckily for us, Nikki’s love for Charlee was the impetus behind exploring the GR website as she wanted to see how she could help. The first thing Nikki signed up for was to foster a Golden. The experience of watching her first foster transform under her...

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Categories: Volunteer Stories|Volunteers

Golden Angels Carole Wright

Carole had been following Golden Rescue on social media for about six years when her beloved Jackson crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She thought volunteering would be a good way to fill the void. So, Carole and her husband, Kelly, joined the transport team and their first transport was Charlie #4449 who they drove from London to Toronto. Two weeks later,...

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Categories: Volunteer Stories|Volunteers