Suzanne Hurst

Bonjour mon ami! Pretty snazzy greeting for a Golden, right? Well, you proved that you know my language, so I wanted to return the favour. I also wanted to tell you personally how incredibly grateful I was the day you rescued me. You saved me…you gave me a second chance at a better life. Your gentle voice and careful touch told me I was going to be okay. Because of you, I live in a wonderful new home with my forever family who treat me with oodles of kindness and love. I’m happy and safe. Chère Suzanne…you are my Golden Angel. So here’s a little surprise for you. I know more about you than you think. Yes, I do. I know that in addition to your demanding life, you always, and I mean always, make time for us. You’re our French connection helping us Goldens in and around Montreal. And you know what else? I found out that your most common expression is when it comes to rescue…“Just tell me what to do and where to go and I’ll be there”. How awesome is that…just like the song:
I’ll be there to comfort you,
Build a world of dreams around you,
I’m so glad that I found you.
And we’re glad you found us too. For five years, you’ve been saving others like me and then assessing our needs (and quirks). You’ve prepared us for adoption by visiting the homes of the nicest humans on earth. And if that wasn’t enough, we know that you’re a generous monthly donor to boot! I’ve heard you say that each one of us has a special place in your heart. Well, I can tell you that it probably pales in comparison to the place you hold in ours. To our Suzanne we say ~ Merci mille fois (thank you a million times) for all you do.
Gilly #2164 insisted he write Suzanne’s Golden Angel tribute since she rescued him. He’s a tad grumpy (not anymore though), so what Gilly wants, Gilly gets. It’s just easier that way.