The Supporters Behind the Support
Golden Angels
Categories: Volunteer Stories|Volunteers
These Golden Angels are sometimes not seen, but their contribution is immeasurable. They support our volunteers who provide so much time to our cause. These are the partners, children, friends, and spouses who have good-heartedly dived into events, tackled assignments, ramped up new initiatives or toiled over all-consuming administrative tasks that are never ending and increasingly vital to keep Golden Rescue running at full speed.
Kudos to all those who have:
- Driven with a car-full of Golden Rescue paraphernalia to ensure the success of an event
- Provided advice, generated ideas, served as a sounding board
- Sold lottery tickets at work, in the hockey arena, on a little league soccer field or to the neighbours
- Stuffed envelopes
- Accompanied a spouse or partner to a home visit
- Run never-ending errands
- Relinquished your leisure time to help your partner/volunteer ~ especially at events
- Ventured out of your comfort zone doing new things that you never dreamed possible nor signed up for
- Smiled through the pouring rain and baking heat at events to spread the word about our Goldens in need
- Willingly cleaned up the mess at our beloved Istanbul arrival events
- Transported Goldens to their foster homes
- Dedicated your heart and soul to so many Goldens in need in a multitude of ways
You are our silent angels and for that we will always be grateful and thankful that you are in our lives.