Journey To Joy – Rescued Golden Retrievers, Including A Three-Month Old Blind Puppy, Arriving Monday, November 26th At Pearson Airport Direct From Cairo, Egypt

Twenty-four Golden Retrievers, being rescued from Cairo, Egypt will receive the best holiday gift ever when they land safely into the arms of their waiting adoptive families on Monday, November 26th at Pearson Airport, arriving via Egypt Air Flight #995 at 7:00 A.M. at Terminal 1.
The excitement will be palpable as Goldens Laverne and Shirley, Lucy and Jacko, Bella and Cherry and Gameela, to name a few, will enjoy a new life far removed from the mistreatment, abandonment, fear, loneliness and neglect they have suffered.
Golden Rescue, Canada’s largest single breed, not-for-profit rescue operation has arranged for this freedom flight, working with dedicated, compassionate shelter workers in Cairo who have prepared these 24 Goldens for their long Journey to Joy, part of Golden Rescue’s Mission of Love. There surely will be no dry eyes when blind, three-month-old Gameela appears, pictured here.
Golden Rescue’s Mission of Love has been in operation since 2015, bringing to Canada hundreds of
mistreated, forgotten, abandoned Goldens from Istanbul, Egypt, Mexico and other global locations. This time, two Golden Rescue board members are travelling to Cairo – a trip that is being personally financed – to oversee this large-scale, holiday rescue operation.
Board Chair, Viive Tamm who is travelling with these rescues says, “Rescue has no borders. As long as there are Goldens in need, we will try to be there to give them a better life. Our international Goldens are remarkably resilient and we are continually in awe of their will to survive under the most unthinkable circumstances. We will continue our Mission of Love with our global partners, for as long as necessary to ensure the safety and wellbeing of every Golden in need.”
It costs approximately $1,200 to fly an accompanied Golden from Cairo to Canada which makes this trip even more generous on the part of the two board members as their presence reduces the overall flight costs.
We invite media to join Golden Rescue for the arrival of these 24 Goldens and their Journey to Joy on Monday, November 26th @ Terminal 1 at 7:00 A.M. Please note, it is expected that the Goldens will appear closer to 8:00 A.M. after departing the plane and being cleared through customs.
Golden Rescue has launched a dedicated fundraising campaign through Canada Helps to ensure the longevity of its Rescue Mission of Love – dedicated to rescuing Goldens in need from around the world.
For more information about our Rescue Mission of Love, visit
For information about this release, please contact Cheryl-Anne Graham 705.878.6115. Board Chair Viive Tamm will be available at the arrival event for interview.
About Golden Rescue™
Since 1990, Golden Rescue™ has found safe, loving homes for more than 2,800 abandoned, unwanted or displaced Golden Retrievers. Our organization is solely funded by donations and run by more than 500 volunteers across the country and a dedicated volunteer board of directors.
In addition to rescuing Goldens, we pursue every opportunity to educate the public about responsible pet ownership, as well as help other rescue groups.
All of our Goldens, rescued from Ontario and Quebec go to experienced foster homes where we assess their behaviour and provide all the veterinary care, treatment, rehabilitation, love, and attention they need prior to matching them with their forever family, chosen through a rigorous matching process. Our international rescues are adopted into families that have been meticulously screened prior to the arrival of the Golden.
Our ultimate hope is that one day Goldens and pets will not need rescuing, but until that day comes, we will remain steadfast in our resolve to help any Golden in need, regardless of geography.