Shannon & Jeff McKenzie
Shannon and Jeff and their children, Saige and Masen, are wonderful additions to GR’s volunteer family. They are fantastic fosters and in their two short years with GR have already fostered eight Goldens. They first heard of GR when out hiking with their Golden Sadie when they encountered a couple with six Goldens. They were GR fosters and expressed to Shannon and Jeff how fulfilling it was to foster. They came home and immediately went to the GR website…and the rest is history. This family not only fosters but they also do home visits and behaviour evaluations with the enthusiastic help of their children. Their Golden, Sadie, is also becoming a masterful foster who, from what we understand, does the comprehensive behaviour evaluations. The family speak very highly of the teams they have encountered since joining GR from transportation, to intakes, to placements. Of course, these teams speak very highly of them as well. It is so cool when a mutual admiration society grows out of nothing but good thoughts and good intentions. We are so happy they went hiking that day ~ GR is very lucky to have you in the family. Thank you…all five of you are very special to us!