Karin Bauer & Bob Jean

Karin and Bob are two experienced foster angels. They have had Goldens for over 20 years and know and love our goofy breed. Over the years, they have become very proficient at training and providing the remedial work required to give our Goldens a second chance. In fact, Karin previously had her own pet care business and has drawn on that experience many times to help Goldens in their care. Karin and Bob are a great team with Karin handling most of the training needs and Bob handling the rest, including all the administration. They are constantly surprised at the vastly different needs each Golden requires as a result of how they have been raised, handled, trained and cared for. The joy they receive helping each Golden through their journey is so rewarding for them. Seeing the foster through medical and behavioural issues to matching them with the right adopters is heart-warming and very satisfying. Karin and Bob are also foster mentors helping and guiding new fosters. We are so lucky to have this dedicated and hard-working couple on our team!