Dr. Brittany Dunlop

Doctor Brittany is a foster superstar. After being introduced to Golden Rescue three short years ago, she has already fostered five Goldens, including our infamous Flyer #3293.
Brittany grew up with Goldens as her mother was a responsible Golden breeder, so she always had four or five Goldens living in her home. She loves all animals and her chiropractic vet practice specializes in horses and dogs, although she admits she is biased towards Goldens ~ lucky us! Brittany and her husband live at home with a virtual menagerie of two dogs (one, a Golden, of course) and three cats and they are expecting their first child in April ~ congrats! Apart from her medical expertise, Brittany is a seasoned obedience trainer, so any Golden lucky enough to be fostered with her can be ensured of fantastic medical care as well as behaviour training, if necessary. Thank you, Brittany ~ we are so very fortunate to have you at our side.